Have you ever noticed how great you are at telling people what you do for work and how you do it as an individual or as an organization, but you're often at a loss for words when it comes to why . . . why you do what you do and why it all started in the first
Do you ever get confused or lost in all of the leadership language swirling around out there? I do. And I hate to admit this but even I've taken "bathroom breaks" to google certain business leadership terms during meetings or mixers so I could sound semi-intelligent. Leadership language seems to be developing at a rapid rate, and
Think about the people you admire, and the leaders you look up to. What qualities or characteristics make those individuals stand out? Years of personal experience + professional research show that many of the positive qualities or characteristics that make people stand out can be summarized into a few key leadership essentials. The most admired people in our lives
Do you have someone in your life who dismisses their actions, emotions or communication style because they say, “Well, I say it like it is because I’m an 8 on the Enneagram.”? Or because they’re an “ENTJ” on the Myers-Briggs, or a “DI” on the DISC Profile. While those assessment labels are great tools in the “toolbox”